Thursday, November 15, 2007

Between stars and workers

Just because you’re necessary doesn’t mean you’re important
A small advice I got a long time ago: instead of hiring one man who thinks he's smart better hire three dumb workers. The smart man will always do what he wants, when he wants, not caring of your needs, no matter what you're paying. More than that, he could always leave and you'll be left with an unfinished business. The dumb will work as you tell him, even if you have to stay and supervise him often plus three dumb workers will always like to work together, and give better results than a single smart worker.

In principle, it’s simple. You’re looking for people who are

  1. Smart, and
  2. Get things done.

That’s it. That’s all you’re looking for. Memorize that. Recite it to yourself before you go to bed every night.

From The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing
Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal — that there is no human relation between master and slave.

Personal finances are a delicate subject. School doesn't teach you how to take care of your own money. Of course, you learn economy, what's the marginal profit or indirect elasticity but nobody teaches you how to make a budget, how to prioritize your expenses, how to invest and so on. I'm convinced that simple, practical lessons about personal finances, working in a company or relating to others would spare us of thousands dramas.